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Gold Tantric

The Best Tantric Massage London Has To Offer

Experience Euphoric Tantric Massage In London

Welcome to Gold Tantric London, the capital’s leading sanctuary for indulgent and luxurious tantric massage experiences. As trusted experts in this intimate art form, we provide an unparalleled journey into a world of relaxation and profound sensual exploration.

With our team of highly skilled masseuses, we invite you to step into an enchanting realm where each touch ignites pleasure beyond imagination. Ready for a tantalising adventure? Reach out today, and let’s unlock your sensual abilities together.

Our Leading Ladies

Our London Tantric Massage Masseuses

Each of our masseuses is dedicated to providing a truly indulgent and authentic tantra experience tailored to your needs and desires. Whether you choose an incall or outcall service, our masseuses are available throughout central London.

Are you looking for an authentic tantric massage in London?

What we offer at Gold Tantric London.

Range of luxurious and authentic massage options

At Gold Tantric London, we take Tantra seriously. We aren’t just another agency claiming to be a Tantric massage agency. We live and breathe Tantra. All our masseuses have completed extensive training at our London Tantric Massage Academy in Mayfair.

Each of our Tantric massages has been carefully planned to give you the most intense, out-of-body experience. We have you covered from Nuru massage to Yoni to couples tantric massage. From first-time to tantric regulars, Gold Tantric London is your haven for all things Tantra in the heart of London.

Experienced and skilled tantric masseuses

Our team is made up of expert tantric massage givers. They have honed their craft over many years. Their hands know just where to touch for peak relaxation.

These ladies are also great at listening. They will take the time to understand your needs before starting anything. You will feel completely relaxed when you meet them until your session ends.

Tantric Incall and outcall services in London

Gold Tantric London is conveniently located in the heart of London, specifically in Mayfair. You have the freedom to choose where you want to relax and unwind. We have skilled masseuses throughout central London if you prefer to visit us. Our spaces are clean and designed to promote relaxation. Alternatively, if you would rather have our services at your home or hotel, we can accommodate outcall bookings anywhere in London.

Gold Tantric London - Tantric Massage London

Hear it from our customers

Overall Masseuse Ratings: 5 / 5 based on 134 reviews.
amber tantric massage

Experience the ultimate in pleasure and relaxation

Discover why Gold Tantric London is your top choice for an unforgettable experience.

We’re the best tantric massage agency in London.

We understand the science and art of tantric massage therapy better than other agencies, and we execute to a fault. Since we started in 2018, we have consistently provided luxurious and deeply fulfilling massages to gents, ladies, and couples. As a result, we’re now the go-to tantric massage experts London-wide.

We work seamlessly as a unit, from customer care to the masseuses. So naturally, you can expect nothing short of prompt and high-value customer service.

Professional, skilled, and charming masseuses

Our team boasts a diverse array of highly skilled masseuses, each offering their unique style of massage to cater to your sensual desires. Their mission is to fully understand your needs and preferences, ensuring a comprehensive, orgasmic experience that leaves nothing to be desired.

Each masseuse undertakes rigorous training at our premier London Tantric Massage Training Academy in the heart of Mayfair. As a result, their mastery of touch and synchronisation throughout the tantric massage therapy process is exceptional. You can expect a transcendent experience that takes you beyond the physical, leaving you feeling rejuvenated, empowered and deeply relaxed.

Our masseuses are not only professional but also discreet and reliable. They pride themselves on punctuality, adherence to our rigorous standards and a commitment to excellence in every tantric massage they perform. Feel free to browse our gallery and choose a masseuse who resonates with you. Alternatively, we’d be more than happy to make a recommendation based on your preferences.

Why Choose Gold Tantric London?

Guaranteed satisfaction

Over the past five years, our tantric massage therapy service has satisfied hundreds of clients. We’re confident that our service will meet and exceed your expectations.

Our trained masseuse will rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul. But don’t just take our word for it.

Honesty and transparency

At our establishment, we hold dear the principles of honesty and transparency in all our interactions. We firmly believe in openly sharing the critical details – from suggesting the perfect tantric massage therapy that suits your needs to the availability of our skilled masseuses. We also provide a comprehensive breakdown of our session costs to ensure no hidden surprises.

Our dedication to authenticity extends to the portrayal of our therapists. The images you see are genuine representations, offering you a true reflection of who will deliver your message.

We place great importance on sharing our masseuses’ qualifications. Their experience and skills are crucial elements that we believe you should be familiar with before booking.

We offer numerous communication channels to make the booking process as simple as possible. Whether you prefer a phone call, an email or even a WhatsApp message, we’re ready to assist you.

Fast response time and discreet service

At Gold Tantric London, we pride ourselves on our fast response time and discreet service. When you contact us to book your tantric massage session, our customer care team will promptly assist you and answer any inquiries you may have.

We understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality, so rest assured that all interactions with our agency are handled with utmost discretion. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities, so we strive to provide a seamless experience from the moment you reach out to us.

Experience peace of mind knowing that at Gold Tantric London, we prioritise your needs and ensure a quick response time and the highest level of discretion throughout your tantric massage journey.

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The Tantric Blog

What are the benefits of a Tantric Massage?

Experience ultimate relaxation, stress reduction, and enhanced self-awareness with our transformative tantric massage therapy. Discover the countless benefits of this holistic approach to well-being.

Relaxation and rejuvenation

Indulge in complete relaxation and rejuvenation with our tantric massage services. Our highly skilled tantric masseuses are experts in providing a holistic approach to well-being, reducing stress, and enhancing self-awareness.

Through the power of touch and sensual exploration, you can experience deep relaxation that revitalises your body and mind. With a focus on emotional well-being and intimacy, our tantric massages offer a unique opportunity for profound relaxation and rejuvenation.

A holistic approach to well-being

At Gold Tantric London, we believe in improving your overall well-being. Our tantric massage therapy is more than just physical pleasure – it aims to improve your emotional and spiritual feelings.

Our skilled masseuses use touch and exploration to help you relax, reduce stress, and become more self-aware. By promoting balance within yourself, our massages can leave you feeling revitalised and connected with your body and mind.

Whether you want to relax, be close to someone or grow personally, our approach will renew you.

Stress reduction and enhanced self-awareness

Experience profound stress reduction and enhanced self-awareness through our expert tantric massage therapy at Gold Tantric London. Our highly skilled and experienced masseuses are trained to help you relax, unwind, and release any tension or stress that you may be carrying.

By incorporating specialized techniques and movements, our massages promote deep relaxation of the mind and body, allowing you to let go of worries and anxieties. In addition to reducing stress, our tantric massages also focus on enhancing self-awareness by bringing your attention to the present moment and connecting with your sensual energy.

This heightened awareness can lead to a greater understanding of yourself and a renewed sense of inner peace and harmony. Let us guide you on this transformative journey towards total relaxation and self-discovery through our exceptional tantric massage services in London.

Emotional well-being and intimacy

Experience profound emotional well-being and intimacy with our tantric massage services. Tantric massage therapy offers more than physical pleasure; it focuses on connecting the mind, body, and soul.

Our skilled masseuses help you release stress and tension through gentle touch and sensual techniques, promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. This holistic approach enhances self-awareness, fostering emotional balance and strengthening intimate connections.


The cost of a Tantric massage at Gold Tantric London varies depending on the type of massage, the duration, and whether it’s an incall or outcall service. Here are some base rates:

  • 1 Hour: £250 (Incall), £300 (Outcall)

  • 90 Mins: £400 (Incall), £450 (Outcall)

  • 2 Hours: £500 (Incall), £600 (Outcall)

  • Additional Hour: £250 (Incall), £300 (Outcall)

These rates are applicable for our premium therapists. Different types of massages, such as our Signature Tantric Massage, Mutual Touching Massage, Nuru Massage, Aqua Massage, etc., have specific rates, which can be found on our website. Note that there may be extra charges for Elite Masseuse (+£50) and Gold Masseuse (+£100) due to their higher experience and additional services provided.

To ensure that you secure your desired time and date for your tantric massage experience, it is recommended to book in advance. Availability can vary, so booking a few days or even a week ahead is advisable.

This will give you the best chance of getting a suitable time slot and allow our highly skilled tantric masseuses to prepare for your session. Contact us today to arrange your unforgettable tantric massage journey with Gold Tantric London.

It helps you relax, feel refreshed, and reduce stress. With gentle touch and sensual techniques, tantric massage promotes overall well-being.

It increases self-awareness and emotional happiness while building intimacy with yourself or your partner. Whether you want to unwind or explore sensuality, tantric massage in London gives you a wonderful experience that revitalises you.

Tantric massage is often misunderstood as being purely about sexual pleasure. However, it has a much deeper significance. Along with potentially enhancing sexual pleasure, it offers an array of holistic benefits:

  • Emotional Healing: Tantric massage can help release deep-seated pain and trauma, promoting emotional well-being.

  • Building Intimacy and Trust: The practice involves a significant degree of vulnerability and openness, which can help build greater intimacy and trust between partners.

  • Promoting Self-Awareness: It encourages individuals to become more aware of their bodies, energy, and feelings.

  • Stress Relief: Like any other form of massage, it helps reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Remember, the primary aim of tantric massage is not the pursuit of orgasm but rather the nurturing of a profound, intimate connection between partners.

Tantric massage can enhance intimacy by fostering a deeper connection between you and your partner. It encourages mindfulness, mutual respect, and emotional bond, all contributing to a more satisfying relationship.

Tantric massage can provide a range of mental health benefits:

  • Stress Reduction: The deeply relaxing techniques used in tantric massage can help reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol levels, the body’s main stress hormone.

  • Mental Clarity: By promoting relaxation and mindfulness, tantric massage helps to clear the mind of clutter and distraction, potentially enhancing focus and decision-making abilities.

  • Emotional Healing: The nurturing, intimate nature of tantric massage may help to heal emotional wounds by promoting a sense of comfort and acceptance.

  • Improves Sleep Quality: The relaxation achieved during a tantric massage can often lead to better sleep, which is crucial for overall mental health.

  • Anxiety Reduction: Tantric massage aims to balance the body’s energy flow, which can help to alleviate feelings of anxiety or unease.

  • Enhanced Self-esteem and Body Image: Tantric massage involves honouring the body as a temple. This can boost self-esteem and promote a positive body image.

Remember, while tantric massage can complement mental health care, it shouldn’t replace professional medical advice or therapy.

Both tantra and prostate massages have numerous physical benefits.

  • Tantra massage: This holistic approach can aid in body relaxation, manage pain, relieve stress, and potentially help with sleep disorders, such as insomnia. It involves conscious breathing exercises and an intentional focus on energy flow throughout the body, which can enhance overall well-being.
  • Prostate massage: While it’s often associated with sexual health, prostate massage has other physical benefits too. It can enhance blood circulation in the prostate, improve urinary health, alleviate symptoms of prostatitis, and potentially reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

Yes, you and your partner can enjoy a tantric massage together. Tantric massage is a sensual and intimate experience that promotes relaxation, pleasure, and deep connection between partners.

Rates and Bookings

Ready to embark on a journey of pleasure and relaxation? Experience the unrivalled pleasure of our signature tantric massage at Gold Tantric London. Book your session today and discover a world of sensual exploration.

Contact us now for rates and to secure your booking.